Market experiences: A talk about working groups
an interview with Patty Tampourea (IMS-EMEA, ABS)
A few words about you (short CV)
P.T.: I was born and raised in Athens, in 2008 I completed my studies in the Department of Mathematics of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and in 2018 I completed my Postgraduate Specialization in Information Systems at the Hellenic Open University. From a young age I have worked in camps as a team leader, delivering lessons in small groups while for the last 11 years I have been working as an IT in a multinational company.
In your opinion, what makes a team effective and successful?
P.T: Respect among team members, honesty and trust are key characteristics in my opinion for a team to be able to organize properly and carry out the project successfully.
What do you think is the appropriate approach on the part of a team manager to achieve its goals?
P.T.: The role of team leader is very important for a team to work efficiently and achieve its goals. From the initial stage of group organization, as well as during the project, where disagreements arise between members and rules and tasks are defined, the leader is responsible for leading the team, having a clear knowledge of the project and determination when needed . A team leader with characteristics such as understanding, objectivity and responsibility helps to achieve the goals. Teams are built successfully with creativity and communication.
Do you think that a member of a team can act as a mentor to others?
P.T.: Groups are created by members with different characteristics to enhance diversity and exchange ideas. The team mentor is a member of the team, he is part of it so that he knows everything about his team and its goals. A mentor who does not belong to the team will not be able to have objective criteria for achieving the goals and to guide the team properly.
How do you think the insecurity of a team members can be avoided?
P.T.: Reward is the key for team members to overcome the fear of their own opinion as well as gain confidence in their abilities. Specific and intermediate goals enable the team for small but important successes before the completion of the project, are the phases where members have the opportunity to talk, share ideas and listen to build the result.
Finally, tell us a thought about the organizational commitment of the members of a team towards the goal and the company. How does this affect team effectiveness?
P.T.: Job commitment affects team effectiveness because the factors of obligation, stress, control and insecurity are enhanced. The personal responsibility of each member as well as the measurable goals can affect the goal and the business.