NHL: explaining Lifestyle and Emotional Balance

NHL: explaining Lifestyle and Emotional Balance A member of our m2mentoring team, G. Lountzis (PhD Candidate.), under the guidance and supervision of Professor Theodosios Palaskas, will give a speech at the 3rd “Brain and Mind” Congress on decision-making process, explaining NHL, a newly-developed tool for measuring emotional balance through nutrition, habits and the general lifestyle, […]
Market experiences: Patti Tambourea (IMS-EMEA, ABS) talks about working groups

Market experiences: A talk about working groups an interview with Patty Tampourea (IMS-EMEA, ABS) A few words about you (short CV)P.T.: I was born and raised in Athens, in 2008 I completed my studies in the Department of Mathematics of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and in 2018 I completed my Postgraduate Specialization in […]
Emotionally & Mentally “strong” children

by Theodosios Palaskas
How to build resilience against failure

by Theodosios Palaskas
The expectation of having the “Perfect Child”

by Theodosios Palaskas
Raising confident children

by Theodosios Palaskas
Are we role models for our children after all?

by Theodosios Palaskas